Knowlegebase & FAQ's

Every Nx VMS Server supplied by NFS should include a copy of the quick start guide.

Request your copy here. Includes:

  • Default username & password

  • Download links

  • Training & support links

Step by step get you start with Nx.

Built in to every Nx Client is a User & Installer Manual. In the client, click "?" then click anywhere in Nx Client for context help.

We've provided the manual online too.

Here are the articles about mounting hdd via different ways:

Mounting HDD in Ubuntu 18.04

Mounting HDD in Web Admin

Mounting HDD in Elementory OS

  • Default username & password

  • Download links

  • Training & support links

NFS built server has multiple functionalities for site network environment, here is the guide for set up:

Set up static IP address on Nx server

Set up Nx server as a DHCP server

Set up Nx server as a network bridge

Here is the article introduces how to set up the client with certian layout running automatically when server starts up.

DWService enables remote access to systems with just a standard web browser.

In this document, we will introduce you to install DWService on a NFS supplied server.

  • Particular to NxOS 3.2 (Elementary OS)

  • Recommended to update onsite if the client is used locally, but server can update remotely

When trying to store analytic data on hdd, it comes out with an error message: "Storage Issue: Analytics storage DB error. Insufficient permissions on the mount point".

After upgrading the server to the latest build, the onboard Nx client pops up “Mismatched version with server” and fails to upgrade in-client or installer.

"Enter password to unlock your login keyring"

Sometimes you may need to merge with an older version system, or download an older client.

Nx Release Notes & Old Versions

Only stable release versions are published, but this trick will get you what you need.

NFS Nx Version Download Trick

How to configure Hik cameras and NxWitness Camera Rules for Acusense edge detection options.

Configuring HiK cameras and NxWitness to enable and record two-way audio.

Currently some of Hikvision Live guard camera comes with speaker, you could use Nx to manually trigger the audio warning from speaker.

When on the Google Playstore, you go to install the NX Client and you get the following message: “This item is not compatible with your device” and it won't install.

Thermal camera integration with Nxwitness including adding resources to Linux,

NX1 - Last available update (v4.0)

The Nx1 (Mini NVR) is now discontinued. This was the last available software update (v4.0.0.31274).

Nx1 Licenses are now transferable to new hardware. Send the Nx1 serial # to to obtain the Nx1 License Key.

The last software update for the Nx1 was version, which published on July 7th, 2020.

You can use the following credentials for an in-client update:

Build Number: 31274

Password: t1u71t

In the beginning stage of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS release, there is a known compatibility issue that Nx client won't show up after lauching.

Nx v4.x no longer supports Ubuntu 14.04 or Windows 32bit.

In-client upgrades will simply fail with no real reason or specific server identified.

NFS linux servers supplied before 2019 are likely running Ubuntu 14.04.

Hikvision ANPR camera setting

Two different way to work with Nx

Not restrict to smart event, customer can toggle strobe light or audio warning any time with mobile phone or laptop.

After upgrading a system to v5.0, the local Nx Client fails to start.